

The purpose of the section is to create and to sustain a vivid holistic youth work program for ELVD’s parishes. This will be achieved through creation of a good environment for all youth to meet at their areas and to have a teaching and forum in which they can be heard, ask questions, reflect their ideas, and get the needed skills in order to live a good Christian life in all aspects and have a meaningful life with hope. The program is open for all youth, despite of religion, gender, ethnic background or social status.

During the first phase of the project (2017-2019) the Youth section will concentrate on seven pilot parishes (one from every Church District) and through their example the section expects to get 8 more parishes that will start the youth work program. Hence by the end of the first phase period a total of 15 parishes will implement Youth Work Program.

The Second phase of the project will cover 3 years (2020-2022) period. During that period, the vision of the section will be to extend the number of parishes that run Youth Work Programme from 15 to 31 parishes. Also the section will develop different programs focusing to different youth group ages (i.e. 12-15, 16-24, 25-35 years old).

  1. Enhance the youth activities from the current 6 parishes to 31
  2. Ensure that every parish and church district has a functional youth section and they follow the guideline of the Youth section/ELVD
  3. Strengthening the unity of the ELVD’s youths
  4. Increase sections’ internal income from 3 million TZS to 15 million TZS
  5. Acquire land for a youth centre
  6. To buy 5 acres of land for tree planting at Kahunda

a. Educate youth workers

b. Create a profound guideline for the ELVD’s youth work that takes into consideration different age groups and socio-economic issues such as: entrepreneurship, initiating income generating activities, HIV/AIDS, killing of aged people, albinism, gender-based violence etc.

c. Train parish priests about the importance of the youth work

d. Increase youth participation so that year 2022 there is more than 1500 youth who take part the youth work regularly.


a. The Youth day once in every year

b. The camps in the church districts, every after two years

c. To have the ELVD’s Youth Festival once in two years

d. To take part in ELCT’s Youth Festival once in two years


a. Starting new income generating projects in collaboration with the youths from the parishes

b. To run the old projects more effectively

Rev. John Mongi


Feb 14

Marriage revival 2025

Friday 07:00 AM

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Jan 19

Utambulisho wa Askofu na Msaidizi wa Askofu kwa Prof. Kabudi

Sunday 01:46 PM

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