Social Sevices


Social services department, started during diocese establishment. The former name of the department was directorate of deacon and health, which changed after the change in the diocese organization structure, 2015.



Reproductive Maternal New-born Chird and Adolscent health

This is the Social and Behavioral Change Communication(SBCC) project


ACHIEVE Adolescents and Children, HIV Incidence Reduction, Empowerment, and Virus Elimination (ACHIEVE) Project.

 Project Background

The Adolescents and Children, HIV Incidence Reduction, Empowerment, and Virus Elimination (ACHIEVE) project is a five-year, USAID-funded global project to reach and sustain HIV epidemic control among pregnant and breastfeeding women, adolescents, infants, and children. ACHIEVE is coordinated by Pact Tanzania, in partnership with Jhpiego, Palladium, No Means No Worldwide, and WI-HER. The overall ACHIEVE goal is to Strengthen local organizations and the national- and community-level social welfare systems, structures and workforce to support OVC to access HIV-inclusive services that support their health and well-being. To further support this overall goal, ACHIEVE has three key Strategic Objectives (SO) which are further sub-divided into Intermediate Results (IR) as described here below:

Strategic Objective (SO 1:) is to strengthen the capacity of the national and community-level social welfare workforce, systems, and structures to ensure quality services for OVC, at-risk AGYW, and people living with HIV (PLHIV). This can be attained through the following intermediate results below:

v  IR 1.1: A skilled social services workforce and active, capable community structures deliver health/HIV, social, and protection services for OVC in selected communities.

v  IR 1.2: Systems and tools for improved social services are institutionalized to promote effective OVC service delivery, coordination, and monitoring.

Strategic Objective (SO 2:) is to build capacity of local organizations to manage and implement USAID/PEPFAR awards as prime implementing partners. This can be attained through the following intermediate results below:

v  IR 2.1: Local prime implementing partners have strengthened technical and organizational capacity for implementing and managing high quality programs serving OVC and AGYW.

v  IR 2.2: OVC and DREAMS service delivery is transitioned to directly funded USAID local prime implementing partners.

v  IR 2.3: Local partners have strengthened capacity to monitor and report on PEPFAR OVC and DREAMS service delivery.

Strategic Objective (SO.3 :) is to improve the health, well-being, and protection of OVC and youth in high HIV burden communities. This can be attained through the following intermediate results below:

v  IR 3.1: Provision of comprehensive, family-centered services to mitigate the vulnerability of HIV-infected children and adolescents and other HIV-affected vulnerable children and households.

v  IR 3.2 Increased access to HIV and violence prevention intervention for OVC ages 9-14 years (girls and boys).


v  IR 3.3 Delivery of evidence-based DREAMS intervention to prevent and reduce HIV risk among AGYW 10-14 years of age. ACHIEVE also supports several other multi-country initiatives focused on children and adolescents living with HIV, along with work in several PEPFAR Faith and Community Initiative (FCI) countries. Each ACHIEVE activity has distinct objectives, activities, and deliverables, but all contribute to the overall project goal of reaching HIV/AIDS epidemic control among the target populations. 


  • USAID Kizazi kipya Project

The project objective is to serve 18, 677 orphan and vulnerable children, and 5000 care givers in total 23,677 people per year

  • To deal with children who have been affected or infected by HIV/AIDS
  • 5year project June 2017- June 2021
  • Targets

 PLHIV-People living with HIV

 OVC-Orphan and Vulnerable children

  •  Covers 3 districts of Mwanza; Sengerema, Buchosa and Kwimba


  • USAID Tulonge Afya Project


  • To change social cultural behaviour which have got negative impacts on health issues
  • 5year project(April 2018-April 2022)
  •  Launched in June, 2018 and phased out January 2022
  •  Covered Buchosa, Sengerema and Nyamagana councils 

Mtoto Mwerevu Project

Objective:To reduce stunting to children under five by at least 7 percentage points and low birth weight by at least 3 percentage points.

  •  36 months
  • Lactating mothers
  • Children under five
  • Ten groups of caregivers each group must have 20 -200 members
  • Covers Kwimba district with a total funding of 105 Mil.TZS
Dr. Richard Mbwambo, 0754-442379,

Established in 2015

Education section ensures efficient provision of secular education service in the diocese, which adhere to Christian ethics and values. Regarding registration o...


Feb 14

Marriage revival 2025

Friday 07:00 AM

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Jan 19

Utambulisho wa Askofu na Msaidizi wa Askofu kwa Prof. Kabudi

Sunday 01:46 PM

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